See What People are Saying!
from 72 reviews
Gratitude, the quality that expresses appreciation, prompts the return of kindness, and gets us thinking about something other than ourselves. No surprise that Susan Brown exquisitely captured this profound quality with such grace and practicality as her life is the epitome of giving and being thankful. Susan's exceptional writing makes you feel like you’re chatting with your childhood best friend while getting expert advice. You will delight in One Year of Thankful Thursdays and be sure to keep it close….as it will warm your heart, make you laugh and teach you life long beautiful lessons all in one sitting.

The inscription on the first page was Numbers 6:24-26. My daughter in love and I had just exchanged birthday gifts. She gifted me with One Year of Thankful Thursdays, and the card I gave her had the exact same verse. I knew this was His gift to me, to her, too.
In Susan's introduction I felt as if were immediately connected. Her humor, her honesty, and her verse choices drew me in on Thankful Thursday #1. I can't wait to share this timely book with all my girls, near and far.

As a Widow and Solo Mom of my own young daughter I cannot express to you how incredibly important it is to purchase Susan's very detailed Peace of Mind Binder. Oh how I wish I had known about her beautiful, thoughtful, detailed binder before I lost my husband to cancer. If I had her Peace of Mind Binder even 5 years ago, I would’ve saved thousands upon thousands of dollars with legal and estate fees. I would’ve made sure my husband and I both had our life insurance in place. Unfortunately my husband passed away without life insurance which devastated me financially. Thankfully I was introduced to Susan and her Peace of Mind Binder and I have since updated my own Will and Guardianship Papers for my young daughter. I also now have life insurance in place to ensure my daughter will be taken care of. You cannot put a price on how important the Peace of Mind Binder is. I highly recommend purchasing it now BEFORE you have an emergency and it's too late. Susan, thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing such a beautiful and absolutely much needed binder to help us all be prepared.

sometimes we just have to remind ourselves of truths that we know, but sometimes forget. these are a great way to do that. my pastor talks about "preaching the gospel to ourselves" and these reminders make that so easy and so easy on the eyes!

budgeting is where I STRUGGLE to 1. get organized and 2. stay organized. how much worse is it when someone just helps themselves to your money! having so much of the thinking done for me when i'm overwhelmed is a huge help.

I was seriously impressed with how well these worked. added benefit knowing ingredients are perfectly safe to sniff or swallow without having to call poison control lol. i'm a fan.

Susan thought of everything that would be needed for your loved ones to know: all of the detailed items of your life, memories, and words to comfort them. What is wonderful about the Peace of Mind Binder is:
The colored pictures on the paper, the format, there is everything you could think of and more that will help your loved ones, you can fill it out before you print it or write it in after you print it, and it is all in one location. When I saw such detail of every area that needs to be written out, there were many that I would have never thought about even mentioning. The Peace of Mind Binder is a must have to get your affairs in order and leave your loved ones with your words to them on treasured memories and love notes to comfort them! I wish both of my parents had this before they died. I had no comfort, memories or anything written from them. So do this for your family and loved ones!

This Scripture Card Ebook is the perfect accompaniment to One Year Of Thankful Thursdays. It's easy to write scriptures on Post-It notes or note cards to memorize and hang around my home. But, hanging up Scriptures with beautiful images is not only useful, but it's also a work of art.
There's a very real difference between hanging a Post-It note on my bathroom mirror or one of Susan's Scripture cards. They naturally draw your eyes so you cannot help but want to look, then memorize. The result is that I am memorizing far more Bible verses this way than simply a notecard.
This is a great gift to give to yourself or any loved one!

There are times in your life when you really do need to consider writing your will. When I recently wrote mine, it became completely apparent to me that there were so many things that were a necessary part of estate planning, besides the names of our beneficiaries and executors.
When I started to make my list of important information that our family needed to know, I was overwhelmed. The Peace Of Mind Binder came exactly at the perfect time.
And while there's no great time to think about what happens physically after we're gone, it's super important that you don't put it off because you never know when your family will need this information.
I don't think that there is anything that has been left out of The Peace Of Mind Binder. From final wishes and making arrangements, legal, financial info, passwords, to what to do without me, special memories, love letters, and words of comfort and encouragment, Susan and The 365 Family have left absolutely nothing undone. This guidebook is one of the best investments you can make for your family.
Please don't leave this up to chance and unanswered questions.

2021 was a complete nightmare for our family. My husband, and sole financial provider, passed away unexpectedly. My life literally turned upside down. I had zero knowledge of any bank account passwords, investment accounts, or even who we paid the mortgage to. My husband took care of all of those things while I was busy being a mom, educator, and housewife. Looking back, it was completely foolish and irresponsible to not have our affairs in order. What I would give to have had a binder like this!!! Thankfully, my husband had decent life insurance and that has helped ease some of the stress and worry. There is NO reason to not be prepared, and I will never ever go through that again. This product will help you with what you need to have everything laid out in an organized, concise manner. It’s the right thing to do for the loved ones you may leave behind. Please don’t be like me and learn this lesson the hard way!!
First and foremost, buy life insurance!!! Second, the Peace of Mind Binder. Don’t wait. Buy it TODAY!!

Life can get sooooo busy. This book is the perfect reminder to focus on gratitude and joy!!!!
Thank you for creating this!!!!!
I am looking forward to sitting down with my girls to do this together 🤗

This is a simple way to have your family medical information in one space (easy to grab)
Trust me... as a nurse... I wish alllll my patients had these forms
THESE ARE Genius!!!

Now- let me start off by saying I am not the best at being organized with all the important info. As a critical care nurse and mom of 7.... It is always in the back of my mind... “If something happens to me or my husband or even to my mom- would I have it together?!”
This binder is about being INTENTIONAL.
I feel like this weight of “what if” stress has been lifted.
This is truly a gift to the world and I am so thankful I stumbled upon it.
I keep thinking about how much stress this would have saved if I had this binder when my dad and grand parents passed.

This Binder really should be considered a necessity. After losing my first wife, I had some account passwords but not all, so there were some things, like social media accounts that I never was able to access. I want to leave my current wonderful wife and my three terrific children with my things in order. I recently made a new will, but the Binder actually includes so many important items that I had thought about but haven’t really put down in an organized fashion. And believe me, this binder is ORGANIZED! Also, there is so much helpful text presented in such a loving, caring way that would bring much comfort to your grieving loved ones. There are pages specifically geared to financial accounts, social media accounts, life insurance policies, real property, business items and so much more. You can fill in the information in the pages making it very convenient. I highly recommend this, and thank you, 365 family, for putting this important Binder together.

One Year of Thankful Thursday book is my "mostest favoritist" book of all times, (outside the Bible of course). I just can't tell you without taking up too much space, how much this book has impacted my life and the many with which I have shared this book. I recently received what could have been a devastating medical diagnosis. However my Faith and the weekly Thursday readings have instilled in me a peace which also flows over family and friends. .. most of whom I have gifted "One Year Of Thankful Thursdays" with a specific Thursday marked to which I think the recipient might particularly relate. As odd as it might sound, especially to that Devil guy, I have incredible JOY and HOPE. I know whose hands I am in and I know all will be good. Thank you Susan and the whole Brown family for your faith and obedience and for sharing it with all of us.